Lyrics: Walk with Me ('11) / by Ruth Temianka

[Written for Mike Rosenberg, aka Passenger, under my former creative moniker Dilettantisme]

Walk with me

Did you feel the earth move,
Did you see the ocean sway,
When you walked side by side with her down to the bay.
You talked about beginnings,
You walked hand in hand,
She whispered soft goodbyes, you drew lines in the sand.

The light flickers in our hearts as the flame struggles to breathe
Passion kindled and not dwindled makes it hard to ease
You say it all as shadows start to fall
My dear, love me dearly, please.

Was it hard to speak,
Was it easy not to say,
Why right can be wrong but we sing along anyway.
She suffered fools gladly,
She played piano in a marching band,
You remembered the music but forgot the stand.

The light flickers in our hearts as the flame struggles to breathe
Passion kindled and not dwindled makes it hard to ease
You say it all as shadows start to fall
My dear, love me dearly, please.

Will you hear the silence,
Will you touch the space,
Created by two dreamers waking with the day.
We can see the waves
Rising up from the land
In this sunny place between two worlds, our Samarkand.